Hey everyone, Exams are coming up in a week! And to my surprise, no one really gives a damn. Even the smart people! Or at least thats what they tell me. I went to the Gardens today to pick up mommy's bag. Longchamps <3 She loves it, but I DONT :P Their designs are really basic. We also went to Mickey Dees this morning to get me some hotcakes. I was looking forward to it.. As I took out the Styrofoam, I look around for the utensils. DARN IT , they forgot utensils, Ah, who cares. I look around again for that darn maple syrup. WTMF, THEY FORGOT THE STUPID SYRUP!! WTH, why didnt they just TAKE OUT THE stupid sausage from my SAUSAGE MC MUFFIN! You don't understand how I felt, I dragged myself up JUST to eat the pancakes :( STUPID MICKEY-DEE'S Maybe I shall give you up for lent :P Muahahaha. Best customer honey. Anyways, Im tired from all that running around. So I shall leave you with A poem, Its for someone I used to know. Or at least still know, But is acting like a dick. So here you go,
Gone are the days when you were right here, Breathing me in, Feeling my fear, Torn apart now by your bitter hate, Pushing me further to my terrible fate. As I walk pass you, I freeze to ice, You re not a saint, but you could at least be nice. Remembering the days when you were still you, This attitude you have is somewhat, new, The way you treat me, I cant explain how, Just one simple question, Where are you now?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Zanessa @ the Oscars
OK, I'm a little late but.. The Oscars were AH-MAZING! Not only did Zac AND Vanessa perform, but the winners truly DID deserve it. There was this winner who made some french short film and he was SO super funny cause he kept saying, SANG KYOU SANG KYOU. (TQ) laughoutloud. And when Hugh Jackman opened the show, my gawd, can you say, HILARIOUS! But the HIGHLIGHT of the night for me.. was the definitely the big MUSICAL number. Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Hugh Jackman, Beyonce and not forgeting Amanda Seyfreid & Dominic Cooper, seriously did an remarkable performance. Although I MUST ADMIT, the things that Van and Amanda had to wear.. was HORRENDOUS. But on a brighter note, Vanessa's dress was godly. I loved it ALOT. Vanessa was wearing Marchesa and Zachary looked great wearing a Dolce & Gabbana Suit. After the Oscars, Zan went for the Governer's ball & Vanity Fairs Oscar party, where They met, Halle Berry, Alicia Keys, & the "Oh so dead looking Vampire from that horrible book made into a show" Who wants to perform @ the Grammy's/Billboars anymore? Oscars all the way, baby <3 Anyways, I gtg now . Till then.
xoxo, Gwen L.
.High school never ends.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
What WE do in/for school.
f)WE... BREAK OUT INTO SONG & DANCE :P and let teacher catch us doing it. (COUGH7thingsCOUGH) Tracy <3
Well ok, maybe we DONT break out into song and dance. But funny side story, the other day Tracy & I started singing and rocking out to 7 things And WE WERE LIKE SERIOUSLY ROCKING OUT. The 7 things I hate about you...... And when I look up to start singing to her, Pn. Nazima is there and she is staring at us. And she was like... "Kamu berdua masih ada masa untuk menyanyi" And OMG, we were SO malu ok!!! DAMN funny. Met Ally @ church today & was supposed to go to her house after to play GUITAR HERO, Now thats something to rock out to. Sigh, Sunday school tomorrow. *YAWN* I CANT WAIT TILL THE OSCARS! I dont know how true this is but.. This year the Oscars were supposed to be Musically themed. Dunno la, but thats what Hugh Jackman said. And like Zac, Vanessa and beyonce are performing (^ soo frkin weird) Well, I HOPE they go. Maybe not perform but surely attend <3>
.You take a deep breath as you walk through the doors. xoxo, Gw3n L.
.Im like the ringleader, I call the shots.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Hey peeps, Today I shall enlighten you with a vid of me High Jumping, or better known as my pet event, followed by 100m. Man, I live for this feeling, this rush.
Moving on, I really cant believe this is my final year at school, The final chapter to my high school life. The years which you're supposed to find the most exciting from your life. And gosh, its passing to soon. Ofcourse I will ADMIT, I will not miss SOME ANNOYING PEOPLE. And when I mean annoying, i rlly do mean it. Seeing that I live to annoy people, Its really hard to annoy me. Thus ,YOU ARE FUCKING ANNOYING! COUGHFORM4'SCOUGH 2 IN PARTICULAR Im NOT SORRY FOR ANYTHING which im about to SAY. And having said that, My goodness, I would never ever wish to see your horrible faces again after form 5. Because if I did happen too see it, I think I will scream and tear you hair apart. You annoy the fucking shit out of me & I probably do the same to you. Thus, get OFF MY FUCKING CASE and GET A LIFE. Oh wait, you're just doing your job? Well, have you seen the form 5 prefects? They dont do it and they still get the SAME certificate that your going to get. In conclusion, PISS OFF! I only pity my eyes for having to see you're uglypepeted face for years. Just so you know, YOUR ON MY LAST NERVE! OH LOOK, SHE WROTE SOMETHING BAD ABOUT ME, DEMERIT. OooOO, IM SO SCARED I REALLY AM. You are both PRICKS & I HATE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL. My HATE for you is deeper than the ocean. And the day I STOP HATING YOU, shall arrive in .... when does forever end?? Oh yea, IT DOESNT!
Ok, done venting. I have said my peace.
xoxo, your NOISY enemy, Gwen L.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tag-A-Tag me The rule: Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.
.The age of next birthday. Seventeen
.A place I'd like to visit. Turks and Caico's
.A Favourite place. EAST HIGH SCHOOL
.A Favourite Food. Thai Food
.A Favourite Thing. MONEY, MONEY , MONEY
.Nick name I had. Butterfingers
.Hobby. Surfing the net.
.A BAD Habit. Sleeping at unearthly hours.
.Wish List. Finding true love
I tag:
Vinnie Sam Row Nat (sis) Kp Zech Jason
xoxo, Gw3n L.
.My premiere post.
Hey everyone, as you can see I've switched from weebly to blogspot after getting multiples of complains that my weebly takes CENTURIES to load. Thus, the birth of my blogspot. I was trying really hard to abstain from creating a blogspot, but i guess I couldnt. Well im guessing thats enough for an introduction. Lets start blogging.
Your sweetest sin
Gwen Laraine :)
Gwen is a crazy 17 year old who adores many things. Among them are music & sports(which include athletics, cheerleading & basketball). Taylor Swift is her favorite song writer and vocalist. If Gwen could spend one whole day with anyone, it would be Zac efron+Vanessa Hudgens, cause if you havent figured it out by now.. They are her two favorite people in the world. Gwen lives in a world full of maniacs & weirdos because she IS ONE & loves being one too! Gwen is a.k.a Gwen Laraine Foong. Gwen HATES to be controlled mainly because she is TOO overprotected, that it gets freakishly annoying. Gwen likes to be different(and by different she means loud) because being ordinary is too overrated & also because if she was ordinary, she simply just wouldnt be.. Gwen.