Gwen is a crazy 17 year old who adores many things. Among them are music & sports(which include athletics, cheerleading & basketball). Taylor Swift is her favorite song writer and vocalist. If Gwen could spend one whole day with anyone, it would be Zac efron+Vanessa Hudgens, cause if you havent figured it out by now.. They are her two favorite people in the world. Gwen lives in a world full of maniacs & weirdos because she IS ONE & loves being one too! Gwen is a.k.a Gwen Laraine Foong. Gwen HATES to be controlled mainly because she is TOO overprotected, that it gets freakishly annoying. Gwen likes to be different(and by different she means loud) because being ordinary is too overrated & also because if she was ordinary, she simply just wouldnt be.. Gwen.